Care Assistant Jobs Forum
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interview preparation for a job in the hospital as a Care Assistant Tina 03-Dec-2016
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Before I start talking about your interview job, I will like to wish you well on your new job in the hospital. About your interview put on nice outfit,no make-up and be confident with yourself. You must find out history of the company and how many staff they have in the hospital. You must know what they will ask you about yourself and answer all question calmly.Wish you good luck in your interview. -
Care Assistant Interview George Brannon Last updated by Louise: 25-Oct-2016
Hi! Today I found out I have been successful in getting a job interview as a Care Assistant in a hospital. Since I have no experience working in a hospital, could anyone give me any advice for this interview, what to wear, important things to talk about etc. ? All of your recommendations will be very welcome!
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Hello! First of all I wish you good luck!! About your interview don't worry too much, just plan a simple and sophisticated outfit. Know where you're going: research about the company: what they stand for, their interests, their history... But just be calm and make sure you know what to respond if they ask something about yourself! No matter if you have no experience just be confident!
25-Oct-2016 Reply to Louise
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