Based on our internal data during the last 12 months Gino's Gelato has published 100 job offers and are currently hiring to fill 3 positions on JobisJob.
The top 2 categories where Gino's Gelato tend to post job openings are Retail with 40% and Sales with 35% of all their job offers.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Sales Assistant.
The employment type most offered at Gino's Gelato is Permanent.
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Trends Last 12 months

Last 12 months
Latest Job Offers
Gelato maker - 25-30 hours per week
€ 14.25 per hour
Gorey corporation lands, County Wexford, IE
Gelato maker - 30hr plus a week
€ 14.25 per hour
Greystones, County Wicklow, IE
Sales Assistants - Part-Time & Full Time
Up to € 13.50 per hour
Westport, County Mayo, IE