During the past 12 months Perrigo has published over 60 job offers and currently has 9 job openings on JobisJob.
The top 2 categories where Perrigo tend to post job openings are Finance with 26.7% and Logistics - Distribution with 21.7% of all their job offers.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Integrated Planner and Sourcing Manager.
The employment type most offered at Perrigo is Permanent.
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Operations Finance Senior Director
D02 TY74 Dublin, IE
D02 TY74 Dublin, IE
D02 TY74 Dublin, IE
Senior Financial Analyst, Corporate FP&A
D02 TY74 Dublin, IE
D02 TY74 Dublin, IE
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Global Sourcing Manager - Direct Materials (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) - Mat leave Cover
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Supply Chain Project Execution & Continuous Improvement Manager, 6 mth FTC
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Integrated Supply Planner - 12 mth FTC
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