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Job offers in
Sligo University Hospital
During the past 12 months Sligo University Hospital has published over 127 job offers and currently has 14 job openings on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the Health category.
The job title with the most openings from this company during the last 12 months has been Consultant Anaesthesiologist with SI in Chronic Pain - University Hospital.
The employment type most offered at Sligo University Hospital is Temporary.
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Last 12 months
Latest Job Offers
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Dermatology
County Sligo, IE
Clinical Nurse Manager II Patient Flow Co-Ordinator / Bed Manager
County Sligo, IE
Clinical Nurse Instructor Medical Speciality
County Sligo, IE
SLIGO 0514 Radiographer Senior
Sligo, County Sligo, IE
SLIGO 0516 Senior Pathology Technician (Anatomical)
Sligo, County Sligo, IE
County Sligo, IE
SLIGO 0507 Medical Scientist Senior Serology (Incorporating Biochemistry)
County Sligo, IE
SLIGO 0509 Cardiac Physiologist Staff Grade
County Sligo, IE
SLIGO 0508 Medical Laboratory Aide
County Sligo, IE
Clinical Nurse Manger 3 (Paediatrics)
County Sligo, IE