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Job offers in
University Hospital Waterford
Based on our internal data during the last 12 months University Hospital Waterford has published 68 job offers and are currently hiring to fill 9 positions on JobisJob.
The majority of job offers are published under the Health category.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Chief Executive Officer ( National Assistant Director) University Hospital and UHWAH0202 Clinical Pharmacist (Supplementary Campaign).
The employment type most offered at University Hospital Waterford is Permanent.
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Latest Job Offers
25UHWNU4203 Clinical Nurse Manager 2 (Lung Cancer Coordinator)
Waterford, County Waterford, IE
25UHWMA3403 Grade VII, Finance Analyst
Waterford, County Waterford, IE
25UHWAH3203 Senior Dietitian (Paediatrics) - Supplementary Campaign
Waterford, County Waterford, IE
25UHWMA2803 Grade VII, Quality Assurance and Improvement Manager
Waterford, County Waterford, IE
25UHWMA2403 Temporary Deputy Human Resources Manager, Grade VII
Waterford, County Waterford, IE
25UHWMA1803 Risk Manager, Grade VII
Waterford, County Waterford, IE
25UHWNU2003 Clinical Nurse Manager 2 (Clinical Facilitator Renal Services)
Waterford, County Waterford, IE
25UHWNU1603 Staff Nurse (General) Gynaecology Surgical Ward
Waterford, County Waterford, IE
25UHWSMROLL Staff Midwife (Acute Services)
Waterford, County Waterford, IE