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Contacting an employer again after rejecting a job offer Am2790 Last updated by JasonTTSL23: 21-Sep-2017 View last comments
I applied for a 13 hour/week job position in July of last year. It would have really suited me at the time, but I didn't hear back from them about an interview so forgot about it and started a post-grad course in Dublin that ended up taking up all my time and attention. In April of this year - nine months after I applied for the job - I received an invite to interview and soon after was informed that I placed second on the panel. I was happy with this as I was still in college in and knew I would not be able to start work as the job is in a different county (although the county that I'm from). At the end of May I received the job offer and although I really wanted to take it, I was still completing the course and had to remain in Dublin until the end of the summer. I thought about traveling back and forth but the hours of work were spread out over the week and so it was just not doable. So I informed them of these reasons in a polite way. They never replied but I assumed that they moved on the next candidate on the panel. Now, I am finished my course and very tempted to email them to let them know that, although it is likely they have filled the position, I have finished my course and am in a better position to take up the job. As the whole recruitment process was quite long, and often it took them up to one or two weeks to reply to my emails, I don't think it would be completely ridiculous for me to think that the process stalled over the summer. The other thing is, another, slightly more relevant job with the same company has come up that I would really hope to get an interview for. For this reason, I don't want to ruin my chances with that position by contacting them again now. On the other hand, I may have a better chance if I'm already working there. So, my question is, given all these different factors, do I have anything to lose in contacting them in a polite and pleasant way, or should I just let it go?
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Thank you!-
Hello AM2790 I don't think you'll ruin your chances by any means. You have to think about you. WHat do you want? What is the job you really want? And then apply for that one or contact them. If you do it in a polite way I don't think there's a reason why you shouldn't. You will show interest and perseverance and that's something really valuable when looking for a candidate. Someone who keeps fighting for what they want no matter what.
21-Sep-2017 Reply to JasonTTSL23
That being said think about it and just do it!! Otherwise you'll regret missing this opportunity to do what you love!
Good luck! And let us know how it goes!
I just finished my professional certificate cookery course and all are kitchen porter offers… I know I’m supposed to be entry level but I feel I’m so much more than that. I have so much talent I feel I’d be wasting my time in there. Any advice? Should I take the offer? If so why? Have you ever worked as a kitchen porter here in Ireland? If so which were you main duties?
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Please answer these questions if you can , this would maybe help me understand a little better why should I take the job or why shouldn’t I.
I’ll appreciate any suggestion or advice. Thanks a lot.
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