2 Senior Physiotherapist Jobs in Castlebar
20MUH2025-Physiotherapist, Senior / Fisiteiripeoir, Sinsearach (Pelvic Health and Continence) Mayo University Hospital - Castlebar, County Mayo, IE Job Title, Grade Code Physiotherapist, Senior / Fisiteiripeoir, Sinsearach (Pelvic Health and Continence) (Grade Code 3158) Remuneration The salary scale for the post is: 01/10/2024 €63,279 €64,629 9 days ago
17MUH2025-Physiotherapist, Senior /Fisiteiripeoir, Sinsearach (Oncology/Lymphoedema/MSK) Mayo University Hospital - Castlebar, County Mayo, IE Job Title, Grade Code Physiotherapist, Senior /Fisiteiripeoir, Sinsearach (Oncology/Lymphoedema/MSK) (Grade Code 3158) Remuneration The Salary scale for the post as of 01/10/2024 is: € 62,038 €63,362 11 days ago
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