The Rolling Donut
During the past 12 months The Rolling Donut has published over 16 job offers and currently has 1 job openings on JobisJob.
The top 2 categories where The Rolling Donut tend to post job openings are Hospitality - Catering with 31.2% and Retail with 25% of all their job offers.
The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Bakery Manager and Bakery Operator.
The employment type most offered at The Rolling Donut is Permanent.
The employment type most offered at The Rolling Donut is Permanent.
Searches related to this company
- Coffee Shop
- Shop Supervisor
- Customer Corporate Sales
- Graduate Sales
- Entry Level Business
- Entry Level Sales
- Photography
- Graduate Sales Executive
Job Titles
Job Types