Social Care Worker Jobs Forum
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how much? Ian Last updated by DUde5: 29-Aug-2017
Hello, I’m looking for a social care worker. I have no experience, how much should I expect them to pay me?
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Hello ! So it goes between 24k to 60k. But it doesn’t only depends on your experience, it also depends on the shift you are going to do , the company you are going to work for and which tasks you’ll actually do.
29-Aug-2017 Reply to rOB -
Hi I’m a social worker on Ireland and I’m earning 12€ per hour
29-Aug-2017 Reply to Lue -
I have a friend who is earning 17€ per hour
29-Aug-2017 Reply to DUde5 -
No way a social care worker is earning that much, during this last year the money is crap as a social care worker. I do a tone of sleepovers, no overtime, split shifts… and I get about 10€ an hour and sometimes I can’t even sleep. SO I think is really hard to earn 17€ per hour. It’s not impossible but don’t expect that with any experience.
29-Aug-2017 Reply to LouiseTheCareWorker-
I don’t know I just read that and asked my friend what he’s earning… although I have to say he is very experienced and works for a really nice company. It’s true that he does a bunch of sleepovers and such but.. you chose that If you don’t like it you can leave you job whenever you want
29-Aug-2017 Reply to DUde5
My dream job Jobisjob Last updated by ameeta ramhota: 22-Dec-2015
If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?
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Ameeta Ramhota:
My ideal job is either working in deprived area and help the community at large .
22-Dec-2015 Reply to ameeta ramhota
counselling couple and individual
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