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My Boss Won't Listen. Please Advice Loui Last updated by Loui: 18-Apr-2017 View last comments
Hey there, I work in a warehouse and I know we are not doing the best we can because our distribution. I feel like my boss won’t listen if I tell him about a distribution I saw in a documentary, they list you all the benefits is has do adapt your warehouse to that system and it’s really interesting. From my point of view is worth giving it a try. Do you think I should ask my supervisor about it or talk to my boss directly? Please advice
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Hello! This is really interesting. To begin with; I don’t know the relationship you have with your supervisor but I’d never tell him first because from my experience he will take any of my good ideas and make them his. Second of all, if you are going to do this do it right. Get the documentary and try to download it to take screenshots of how they do it , or if that’s not possible create a map with how it is now and how you’d wanted to be. After that write a document about its benefits but don’t make it too long so they will not even meant to read it. And finally the most important thing is prepare a talk; you should be able to get in there and talk out the most important parts of the documentary and be able to explain anything you wrote. I think if you do this you can talk directly to your boss.
12-Apr-2017 Reply to Drake-
Hello, thankyou very much , this is very helpful. The thing is I never asked for anything to my boss directly we only talk cordially and I’m a bit afraid of being fired to be honest… But I guess I should do it anyways…
12-Apr-2017 Reply to Loui-
Hey Loui not at all!! I don’t think you ever have a chance of being fired because; one: you are not asking for anything for yourself, you want to increase the benefit of the warehouse where you work, there is nothing wrong about that!! Two: If you do what I said in the previous text you’ll project confidence and passion about your job and that’s actually hard to find. I’ve been working in warehouses for more that 5 years and I’ve never seen someone as passionate and driven as you are so use that to benefit you. Three: You aren’t doing anything wrong! To be honest why would they fire you? Because you want their business to grow and get better? I don’t think you have a chance to get fired, the opposite I think you’ll earn points for them to raise you career. If I were you I’d give it a try. I feel you have nothing to lose!!
18-Apr-2017 Reply to Drake-
Thank you very much!! You inspired me a lot and you are 100% right I’ll try to do this this weekend and present this to my boss next week. Thanks a lot seriously!! I needed a boost like this one!
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